Olan Schuh, C.MH.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Hypnosis?
Hypnosis is a naturally occurring phenomenon that occurs everyday in your life. It is a state of suggestibility where the critical mind goes into abeyance for a multitude of possible reasons. Consider times where you zone out and come to throughout the day whether driving somewhere, stressed out, or engaged in a task. In these times we are more suggestible to our environment or our own subconscious habits without our conscious awareness or intention.
Am I Hypnotizable?
The hypnotherapy which I studied at the Hypnosis Motivation Institute taught me a variety of modalities and techniques to ensure a custom tailored approach for every client. Every person is hypnotizable and because you have a mind, it will work for you.
It is up to the hypnotherapist to be flexible in their approach to find out how it will work best for you. We will work together to find the best approach based on your suggestibility type using a series of tests in the first session.
How Will I Experience Hypnosis?
Everyone experiences hypnosis differently and however you experience it is right for you.
Most commonly, people report a sense of calm or relaxation in the body and mind.
Also it is common to become more alert and aware to different senses or the internal world of the mind. At the same time you may feel a sleepy, cozy, daydreamy or blissful feeling.
Will I Be In Control? Conscious? Stage Hypnosis vs Hypnotherapy?
You will not do anything you do not wish to in hypnotherapy, no barking like a dog or clucking like a chicken. This is about increasing your wholeness and giving you control by way of getting you in touch with your subconscious to make lasting changes that will show up in your life.
You will not actually be going to sleep (unconscious), the most useful hypnotic depth varies from client to client, but you WILL always be able to hear my voice, think thoughts, even open your eyes and get up if you’d like (though you probably will not do that until the end because it will be such a calm, pleasant experience.)
Stage Hypnotists often throw out all the good hypnotic subjects and pick only the most obedient ones. It is common practice with stage hypnosis to use rapid inductions to “jar” people into hypnotic states, using the atmosphere to create anxiety where a person will escape and drop their defenses. Often, they will use the participants as comedic material, by feeding them parts to act out while in this state of escape.
Hypnotherapists take a more cautious and holistic approach to build rapport and connection with the clients subconscious, working with the clients conscious rational thinking to best serve their subconscious changes and bring what they think consciously into agreement with how they act automatically.
How Long Are Sessions? What Should I Expect?
Our first session will be 90 minutes long to account for introductory tests to prepare and tailor our approach. You can expect learning about how you enter the hypnotic state and what communicative styles you are suggestible to. This will not only allow us to bypass your critical mind to make more powerful subconscious change but will empower you as you grow more aware of how your surroundings influence you.
Subsequent sessions are 60 minutes long. With all sessions, most of the session will be cognitive work where we discuss and collaborate to form the most effective suggestive ideas consciously to later employ subconsciously in the hypnotic portion 15-20 minutes at the end. I will then send you a recording of the hypnotic portion to listen to until our next session to reinforce these suggestions.
Does Virtual Hypnotherapy Work?
Yes, virtual hypnotherapy can be as effective as hypnotherapy in person. Often, even more so as clients can join the room from the comfort of their home.
The only difference with in person hypnotherapy is that the hypnotherapist could ask to touch the client for some techniques. I have found ways to perform all of these techniques with alterations to accommodate for virtual sessions & I find them just as effective.
More Questions? Shoot me an email or ask me over the phone during your free consultation call.